With Game Master Kurt Wiegel

has been filming and recording things since the early 70s.

He started his RPG gaming with Metagaming's Melee, Wizards, The Fantasy Trip, Advanced Melee and Advanced Wizard back in 1980 and played a bunch of other games in the 90's including tons of GamesWorkshop games.


A fan of Comic Books, Monsters, Fantasy and Sci-Fi, Rob also produces and co-hosts Monster Model Review. (monstermodelreview.com)and spends his spare time playing first player shooters.


Married with 3 great kids, 4 dogs and a Tarantula, snake and 2 toads he lives in Wisconsin, video taping things and building monsters.

Rob Mattison

A very fortunate man, he's married to a wonderful, patient woman who encourages his hobby, and has four beautiful gamers-in-training. When not gaming, he pretends to be a

chemistry professor (Ph. D. in Polymer Science and Engineering) at UW-Eau Claire,

and also occasionally dabbles in local theater.




Birthday: January 22, 1972


Height: 6'8" (No, really)


Weight: Approximately 1/10th of a Prius (I find it easier to express my weight in automobiles. There's less confusion)


Ambitions: To run a perfect game, worthy of Whedon, Straczynski, Russell T. Davies and Tim Powers.


Turn Ons: Good roleplaying, tight storytelling and natural 20's


Turn Offs: Rules lawyering, people late to games and people spilling Dr. Pepper on the game table (yes Jason: I'm looking at you).


Five Favorite Games: Call of Cthulhu, Angel, Terra Primate, Slipstream and Hellfrost


Someone I look up to and Why: Kevin Siembieda. Seriously- the man exhales really good ideas like most of us crank out carbon dioxide.

Kurt Wiegel


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